Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Coming soon to a Theater and Computer screen near you!

Coming soon to this page will be another great story, this time about my family fishing adventures! This post will be here next week with a guest artist/writer friend of mine featured as the illustrator.

In other personal news: A Place to Stand, the movie, is still up and running and I'm excited to gain support and see the movie's progress in the next couple of months. If you're interested in supporting, contact me directly, visit, and like us on Facebook.  See my last post here.

Back to the fishing story...

The exciting thing is that a friend of mine who has inspired my writing and blogging habits: Clara, writer of an amazing comedy blog called Clarafication will be a guest illustrator for this public journal site.  Prepare yourselves for laughs.

Some of the terrible things you can look forward to: Certain death on a fishing boat, dramamine, lots of throwing up, reeling in some big catches, and a sketchy hotel room filled with instant brew coffee.

All of these are important to the beautiful true life story that is to come. I am a big advocate of collaborative work and I think some great things will come of it.

To view my Anchorage Adventure, it's called A City by the Sea, check it out. (it's related, you'll see)

Monday, March 12, 2012

A Place to Stand